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Home / Gods N Godesses / Shezmu Egyptian Gods and Goddess OSIRIS Pure Essences Oils 10ml dropper/9ml roller. Imported from Egypt

Shezmu Egyptian Gods and Goddess OSIRIS Pure Essences Oils 10ml dropper/9ml roller. Imported from Egypt


$ 85.60 AUD

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Price includes Shipping and Insurance Australia Wide.

Egyptian Oils  Shezmu Egyptian God and Goddess Collection. OSIRIS  Essence in 10ml dropper/9ml roller

This oil is part of our gods and goddess collection

 Pure oils imported from Egypt. We store and use dark Amber and Cobalt Blue bottles.



The refreshing citrus and the aquatic scent that can be felt in the melon system create a youthful masculine image. In addition, the image of the sea and the waterside, which is full of openness, comes to mind. Gradually, the woody scent will come out, and over time, you will feel a calm image like a middle-aged man.

Fragrance system: Aquatic Woody

Symbols: crook and flail, djed, White and Atef Crowns
Cult Center: Abydos, Busiris and Heliopolis 
Myths: Isis and Osiris

A god of the earth and vegetation, Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization.

Osiris was the first child of Nut and Geb, and therefore the brother of Seth, Nepthys and Isis. He was married to his sister, Isis. He was also the father of Horus and Anubis. These traditions state that Nepthys (mother of Anubis) assumed the form of Isis, seduced him (perhaps with wine) and she became pregnant with Anubis.

The oldest religious texts refer to Osiris as the great god of the dead, and throughout these texts it is assumed that the reader will understand that he once possessed human form and lived on earth. As the first son of Geb, the original king of Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne when Geb abdicated. At this time the Egyptians were barbarous cannibals and uncivilized. Osiris saw this and was greatly disturbed. Therefore, he went out among the people and taught them what to eat, the art of agriculture, how to worship the gods, and gave them laws. Thoth helped him in many ways by inventing the arts and sciences and giving names to things. Osiris was Egypt's greatest king who ruled through kindness and persuasion. Having civilized Egypt, Osiris traveled to other lands, leaving Isis as his regent, to teach other peoples what he taught the Egyptians.

During Osiris' absence, Isis was troubled with Seth's plotting to acquire both her and the throne of Egypt. Shortly after Osiris' return to Egypt, in the twenty-eighth year of his reign, on the seventeenth day of the month of Hathor (late September or November), Seth and 72 conspirators murdered him. They then threw the coffin in which he was murdered into the Nile, with his divine body still inside.

Isis, with the help of her sister Nephthys, and Anubis and Thoth magically located Osiris' body. Upon learning the his brother's body was found, Seth went to it and tore it into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout Egypt. Isis once again found every part of his body, save his phallus (it had been eaten by the now-cursed Nile fish). She magically re-assembled Osiris and resurrected him long enough to be impregnated by him so that she could give birth to the new king Horus.


Everything Egyptian is at My Egypt. "Share the Passion"

We have a bricks and mortar store at Mudgeeraba Qld.

We import direct from our friends in Egypt to get the best Quality pieces. There is no slave or child labor with any of our goods. We support small Family Businesses which has a Flow on effect to the small families. This item is a great gift for yourself, someone who loves Egypt or is a pyramididot or just loves everything Egyptian.

History of Perfume

The word perfume is derived from the Latin perfume, meaning "through smoke." The art of perfumery was known to the ancient Egyptians. References to perfumery materials and even perfume formulas are found in the Ancient Egyptian Burial sites, Tombs and in the Bible. The burning of incense in religious rites of ancient China, Palestine, and Egypt led gradually to the personal use of perfume known as attar's, widespread in ancient Greece and Rome. During the Middle Ages Crusaders brought knowledge of perfumery to Europe from the East. After 1500 Paris was the major center of perfume-making.
Today Egypt is still a major trading center for the perfume industry. We have teamed up with the best perfume trading houses in Egypt.

What's the difference between perfume oils and perfume?
Please do not confuse these perfume oils with cologne or essential oils. Pure perfume, essences oils are far more sophisticated than perfume with fillers. Never offensive or overpowering, long lasting and balanced.

We at My Egypt are honored to be able to offer you the best in fragrance - drop for drop we offer a superior product. Try us - we think you'll agree.

We will ship overseas. Please email us for shipping costs

Made in Egypt. Product of Egypt.

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